Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 3rd Edition

Primary care practices refer patients to specialists, ancillary healthcare clinicians, labs and screening facilities, and elsewhere. Making the referral process easy for patients increases the chances that they will follow through. Establishing referral agreements ensures that both you and the referral destination get all the information you need.


Refer patients to clinicians who coordinate care with you.

Referral Agreements

Referral agreements spell out mutual expectations and responsibilities, such as:

Do not rely on patients to relay information.

Consider language differences.


Consider whether you could avoid a referral by having a telephone or electronic consultation with a specialist. Advice and guidance may be enough to let you deliver the needed care.

Consider costs when making referrals.

Before making a referral, check whether the:

Make sure the patient understands the reason for the referral.

Offer help with the referral.