Good news: the Marion County Board of County Commissioners adopted Amendment 11 this year. It’s an exemption for low income seniors who are over 65, have an income under $32,000, and have lived in their homes (valued under $250,000) for 25-plus years.
Call the property tax office to get on the mailing list for an application. You must submit proof of income to apply by March 1, 2023. I agree with a letter that said there should be “no taxes for seniors,” especially for long established residents who have supported this county for decades.
I also would like to see the county stop adding road assessments (not a tax) to our property taxes. That tactic places fixed income residents in higher danger of losing their homes to the tax man. To lose a paid-for home over the inability to pay taxes on it should be illegal. Make road assessments a lien on the home, not a tax.
Let seniors live those “golden” years in peace, not fear.
Joy Rumans
Ocala resident